Competing at club or Amateur/Pro
To compete in France whether at Club level (equivalent to Unaffiliated Competitions in UK) or Amateur/Pro level (equivalent to Affiliated in UK)
your horse needs to: A) be registered with the IFCE Haras Nationaux (Institut Francais du Cheval et de l'Equitation)
B) be registered on the "liste club des Equides" (for club level) or the "liste des chevaux de sport" for Am/Pro level
How to do all this is explained in the previous article called "how to compete your horse in France"
the rider needs to: A) obtain a doctor's medical less than 4 months old stating that you are apt to compete in "equitation"
There is a form on the FFE website, which you can take to your doctor - direct link: (click on "Télécharger le formulaire pré-rempli")
B) scan and send the medical to the FFE - still on the same link above; fill in your licence No and put in your scanned file (medical) in "parcourir"

Finally, you can enter the competitions of your choice yourself on FFE Compet, after opening an account and putting money on it, for Amateur and Pro competitions. For club competitions you will need to go through your club.