Les Amis du Cheval d'Asnières

Les News

Les News 2013 et plus

A partir de 2013 Les News se trouve sur notre nouveau site face book:  www.facebook.com/LesAmisDuChevalDAsnieres

From 2013 Les News can be found on our new face book page:  www.facebook.com/LesAmisDuChevalDAsnieres


Bonne lecture des News !!                                                            Enjoy reading our news !!

More from Decembre

Adults Christmas Lunch


On the 21st of Decembre 30+ adults walked through the doors at the Auberge at Mouterre Sur Blourde for the club Christmas lunch.  We were welcomed by punch, nibbles and a roaring log fire.  There was copious amounts of fantastic food and wine consumed and judging by the amount of laughter coming from the room, everyone seemed to be having a great time.  It was a lovely time to get everybody together including partners.  Thank you once again to the Auberge for all their hospitality.

Les News de Novembre et Decembre

 Club AGM and Quiz Night.

  The club AGM took place on the 10th of November with quite a few members and non members attending.  There are some exciting ideas for the club on the horizon, so watch this space for further updates.  Following this we held a quiz night and it was great to see so many familiar faces, with a good mixture of French and English, all of you seemed to have you're competitive hats on, including the children!   After the first half of questions we sat down to a delicious homemade French onion soup followed by Chilli Con Carne and finished off with a selection of cheeses all served by the younger club members who did a fantastic job.  Finally the winners were declared and presented with bottles of wine whilst the children got to attack a box of chocolates for making such good waitresses.  We very much look forward to the next one.

  Childrens Christmas Party

  The 19th december was our younger members Christmas party and what a fantastic time it was.  Yannick played DJ for the night and they played lots of games, all of which were organized by Josie Pharoah, incuding a game of bilingual pass the parcel.  We had snow ball fights with newspaper balls and even us adults got to play a few games too!!  Some fantastic food arrived courtesty of some very talented parents and was enjoyed by all.  Later in the evening we had a visit from Father Christmas who had a sack bursting with presents for some very excited children.  They were all incredibly well behaved and they were a real pleasure to be around.  Thank you once again to Josie for organizing this.




Les News de septembre et octobre

La journée du cheval du 23 septembre...

... fut un grand succès avec démonstration de voltige, dressage et attelage et des baptèmes à cheval ou à poney. Le temps était de la partie et nous avons tous passé une superbe journée.

Our first Open day was a great success with demos in vaulting, dressage and driving, as well as free rides on poneys or horses. The weather was lovely and we all had a great time. A big thank you to all the participants.


Les concours

Trec result from Blond - 16th September - Club Equipe
Team :-  Georgia Eddy, Sophie Beston, Pam Armstrong, Viv Pharoah.
After the POR we were standing 2nd, but ended up 6th out of 7. (Sophie and Rollex had the 2nd best individual result of the day)   
Sophie won Limousin Regional Trec challenge and Georgia came 2nd.
Dressage Gueret - 30th September- Grandprix Club 1
Sophie and Rollex, scored 60.57%  came 4th our of 5th, in some very serious competition, with 3 different judges.
CSO- Vaseix - Limoges - 7th October - Grandprix Club 3
Georgia and Darcy came 5th 
Sophie and Rollex came 7th  out of 39
Two clear rounds!
 Mini Show du 30 septembre
Le mini show du 30 septembre a eu un énorme succès. Tous les enfants sont repartis très contents de leur journée avec de nombreux flots et tous ont participé avec succès dans les différentes épreuves. Merci aux juges, Laurel, Yvonne et Pam pour leur temps et leurs conseils.
The mini-show on 30th September had a fantastic success. All the children left very happy and with numerous rosettes as they all took part very succesfuly in all the different classes: Best Turn Out, Equitation, Pony Games, Handy Pony. A big thank you to our judges, Laurel, Yvonne and Pam for their time and their helpful comments to our young riders.

Les News de juin, juillet et août

Les News de juin, juillet et août

Quiz Night le 9 juin

Merci à tous ceux qui ont participé à la soirée jeux/questions qui était organisée pour réhausser les fonds du club pour acheter un surfaix de voltige pour le groupe de voltige et la préparation de la fête du 15 août. Tout le monde a passé une très agréable soirée, et on nous demandé de refaire une autre soirée: à l'automne? Et merci encore à Angie, Caz etc. pour le  merveilleux repas et l'organisation de la soirée! 

Quiz Night on 9th June

Thank you to all of you who took part in the Quiz Night which was organised to inflate the funds of the club in order to purchase a vaulting surcingle for the vaulting group to prepare the 15th August fête. Everyone had a lovely evening and we have been asked to put another evening on: next autumn? Many thanks to Angie, Caz etc. for a wonderful meal and oraganising the evening!

De Beauregard Horse and Dog Show: 22 juillet

Le 22 juillet les enfants du club sont allés faire un concours à Asnois (86). Tous ont été classés dont plusieurs 1ères et 2iémes places. Bravo les enfants!

De Beauregard Horse and Dog Show: 22nd July

On the 22nd July the children from the club went to a competitin in Asnois (86). They were all placed and quite a few were in 1st and 2nd places. Well done!

 Equirando en Normandie du 21 au 28 juillet

Quelle semaine! Des paysages fantastiques, un temps merveilleux, une bonne ambiance, des repas formidables, des spectacles fabuleux, plus de 120km à cheval: tout pour plaire! Nous étions 9 à participer à l'équirando 2012 au Haras du Pin où nous avons retrouvé des équirandins de toute la France et aussi de pays étrangers.

Equirando in Normandy from 21st to 28 July

What a week! Fantastic views, gorgeous weather, great atmophere, lovely meals, fabulous shows, more than 120km on horseback: everything to please! There was 9 of us taking place in the equirando 2012 at the Haras du Pin where we met lots of riders from all over France and other countries.

Fête d'Asnières du 15 août

Bravo à tous les participants: voltige, pas de deux en amazone, carousel, sans parler des danses hip-hop et country!

15th August Asnières fête

Well done to all the participants: vaulting, side-saddle pas de deux, quadrille, not to mention the street and line dancing!


Les News de mai

Les News de mai


... both teams: "Lost in France" who came first in the POR, and "No Great Expectations" who came second overall in the Le Trec Competition at Lathus on 06/05/12.

Great fun was had by all, and they all achieved much more than they expected: you should have seen Viv jump that big log, and 82 year old Shirley over the ditch and the log etc. So sorry we forgot to bring the camera. And not used to using the phone camera: only managed to get this pic.: a mix of  "Lost in France" and "No Great Expectations" proudly showing their rosettes.



... aux 2 équipes de Trec qui ont concourru à Lathus le 06/05/12. " No Great Expectations" se sont classés deuxièmes, et "Lost in France" cinquièmes, quoique 1er sur le POR. Viv a sauté le tronc d'arbre avec prouesse ainsi que notre doyenne Shirley âgée de 82 ans.

En photo: un mix de "Lost in France" et " No Geat Expectations" avec leurs flots!




Marion and Victoria came first and are therefore departmental champions for Driving with Sunroyd Rhiannon for 2012 (Marion was also departmental Champion in 2011, and Yannick Regional Champion in 2011, each time with Rhiannon). Photos in the "concours" section. Thanks to the English team of helpers. A great time was had by all.


Et ça continue...

Marion et Victoria ont gagné le championnat départemental d'attelage 2012 avec Sunroyd Rhiannon (Marion était aussi championne départementale en 2011, et Yannick champion régional en 2011, à chaque fois avec Rhiannon). Photos dans la section "concours".  Merci à l'équipe bénévole britannique. Tout le monde a passé une très agréable journée.



Laurel, Laurel.......

.......... double win ! !

Laurel did win the Dressage Club 3 and Club 2 Grand Prix and was therefore crowned Champion of the Vienne twice on Friday!  Photos on the "Concours" page, " Photo Album" section.

Double victoire pour Laurel en dressage ! !

Et oui Laurel a remporté la première place des épreuves Club 3 et Club 2 de dressage et fut couronnée Championne de la Vienne!  Photos sur la page "concours", section "Album photos".


Driving Regional Championship

Marion a pris la deuxième place au championnat départemental d' attelage ! !   Bravo à Marion et Victoria sa coéquipière !


 Remise des Galops

Le 24 mai au club nous avons fait une soirée préparation du Galop 1. Ensuite  nous avons remis les dipômes des Galops aux différents cavaliers ou meneurs qui avaient déjà passé leurs examens au préalable, et nous avons passé une agréable soirée ensemble à boire et à manger!

Presentation of Galops

On 24th May we did  a preparation evening to Galop 1. Afterwards we presented the various Galop certificates to the riders or drivers who had already passed their exam previously. We all had a lovely evening together with drinks and nibbles!





Les News d'avril

Les News d'avril

Chasse aux oeufs de Pâques /  Easter Egg Hunt


Le lundi de Pâques fut l'occasion de se retrouver nombreux, environ 20 enfants et 12 adultes, pour participer à des petits jeux faciles à poney ou à cheval. Ensuite les enfants sont allés à la chasse aux oeufs pendant que les parents prenaient un café ou un thé au café "Chez John". Le midi s'est agréablement passé à manger de très bons gâteaux et à continuer de se désaltérer. Merci à tous ceux qui ont contribué et participé.

Vous retrouverez plus de photos (de ceux dont nous avons l'autorisation des parents) dans l'abum photo.


Easter Monday gave us the opportunity to meet, around 20 kids and 12 adults, to have fun with some horsy games. Then the children went to hunt the eggs whilst the parents were having tea or coffee at "le café de chez John". Lunchtime was spent sipping a drink and eating some lovely cakes. Thank you to everyone who contributed and took part.

Photos are now in the "Album photo" for those whose parents have signed the permission slip.


Voltige à Blond (87)  /  Vaulting at Blond (87)

Dimanche 15 avril nous nous sommes rendus à Blond pour aller voir le concours de voltige organisé par le centre équestre de Blond. C'était super. Les voltigeurs ont exécuté des figures, certaines très simples au pas, et d'autres plus compliquées au trot ou au galop, cela dépend du niveau de compétition. Le centre équestre de Blond était très beau à visiter avec son nouveau manège couvert et sa très grande carrière.

"Ils étaient tous super parce qu'ils ont fait des figures compliquées comme se tenir debout sur le dos du cheval au galop. J'ai bien aimé quand il y avait 2 ou 3 cavaliers sur le cheval et qu'ils faisaient des mouvements. On a tous bien aimé la voltige et on attend avec impatience de pouvoir essayer." par Josie et Anastzia


On Sunday 15th April we went to Blond  (87) to go and see a Vaulting competition organised at the Blond Riding Centre. It was great. We enjoyed the demonstrations of figures in walk, trot or canter according to the level of competition. The Centre was also very interesting to visit with its new Indoor and massive outdoor arenas. If you would like to see more vaulting check this link   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceRfXu3MGIw (Grove House Stables where Yannick used to teach) or go into You Tube and type Grove House Stables Vaulting Team.

"Everyone was very good because they did some difficult figures like standing up on the horse's back whilst it was cantering. I liked it when there were 2 or 3 riders on the back of the horse doing movements. We all thought it was very good and we can't wait to have a go at it ourselves."  by Josie and Anastazia


The flat work clinic with Lynne was a great success !


Lynne Varley Flatwork Clinic 22/4/12

 I took part in the 2 o’clock session with 4 other people. It was a very enjoyable clinic & I have come away with some positive thoughts.

 We received several sessions of individual instruction in walk, trot & canter, & worked on our own in between. Even when working on our own Lynne kept an eye on us which was really good as often when working on my own I feel I have been forgotten.

I found Lynne  to be very encouraging in her teaching, very knowledgeable & not at all  intimidating,  I am looking forward to the next clinic.


Photos appear in the "Album photo"




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