Chasse aux oeufs de Pâques / Easter Egg Hunt
Le lundi de Pâques fut l'occasion de se retrouver nombreux, environ 20 enfants et 12 adultes, pour participer à des petits jeux faciles à poney ou à cheval. Ensuite les enfants sont allés à la chasse aux oeufs pendant que les parents prenaient un café ou un thé au café "Chez John". Le midi s'est agréablement passé à manger de très bons gâteaux et à continuer de se désaltérer. Merci à tous ceux qui ont contribué et participé.
Vous retrouverez plus de photos (de ceux dont nous avons l'autorisation des parents) dans l'abum photo.
Easter Monday gave us the opportunity to meet, around 20 kids and 12 adults, to have fun with some horsy games. Then the children went to hunt the eggs whilst the parents were having tea or coffee at "le café de chez John". Lunchtime was spent sipping a drink and eating some lovely cakes. Thank you to everyone who contributed and took part.
Photos are now in the "Album photo" for those whose parents have signed the permission slip.
Voltige à Blond (87) / Vaulting at Blond (87)
Dimanche 15 avril nous nous sommes rendus à Blond pour aller voir le concours de voltige organisé par le centre équestre de Blond. C'était super. Les voltigeurs ont exécuté des figures, certaines très simples au pas, et d'autres plus compliquées au trot ou au galop, cela dépend du niveau de compétition. Le centre équestre de Blond était très beau à visiter avec son nouveau manège couvert et sa très grande carrière.
"Ils étaient tous super parce qu'ils ont fait des figures compliquées comme se tenir debout sur le dos du cheval au galop. J'ai bien aimé quand il y avait 2 ou 3 cavaliers sur le cheval et qu'ils faisaient des mouvements. On a tous bien aimé la voltige et on attend avec impatience de pouvoir essayer." par Josie et Anastzia
On Sunday 15th April we went to Blond (87) to go and see a Vaulting competition organised at the Blond Riding Centre. It was great. We enjoyed the demonstrations of figures in walk, trot or canter according to the level of competition. The Centre was also very interesting to visit with its new Indoor and massive outdoor arenas. If you would like to see more vaulting check this link (Grove House Stables where Yannick used to teach) or go into You Tube and type Grove House Stables Vaulting Team.
"Everyone was very good because they did some difficult figures like standing up on the horse's back whilst it was cantering. I liked it when there were 2 or 3 riders on the back of the horse doing movements. We all thought it was very good and we can't wait to have a go at it ourselves." by Josie and Anastazia
The flat work clinic with Lynne was a great success !
Lynne Varley Flatwork Clinic 22/4/12
I took part in the 2 o’clock session with 4 other people. It was a very enjoyable clinic & I have come away with some positive thoughts.
We received several sessions of individual instruction in walk, trot & canter, & worked on our own in between. Even when working on our own Lynne kept an eye on us which was really good as often when working on my own I feel I have been forgotten.
I found Lynne to be very encouraging in her teaching, very knowledgeable & not at all intimidating, I am looking forward to the next clinic.
Photos appear in the "Album photo"