What does BHSII SR SC SM mean??

The British Horse Society is widely recognised as the industry standard for Equestrianism and Riding Instructors.
There are 5 recognised levels of Instructor. To achieve each level Instructors must prove their ability in Coaching, Riding and Stable Management.
BHSII Stands for British Horse Society Intermediate Instructor. This is the 3rd level of qualification which, in order from the first to highest are
- FBHS - there are only around 50 qualified Fellows in the world!
Those with the BHSII qualification should have the ability to train riders to Elementary level Dressage, Discovery level Show Jumping and Pre-Novice Eventing as a minimum. They are equally able to teach beginners and novice riders and will have a wider range of experience than the previous levels.
The SM stands for British Horse Society Stable Manager. This is the Stable Management element of the BHSI qualification and does what it says on the tin! Those with this qualification are competent to run a yard, cover and advise on all aspects of horse care, manage and train staff and students.
SC stands for British Horse Society Senior Coach. This is the Coaching element of the BHSI qualification. Senior coaches work with a wide range of riders, from complete beginners through to Advanced Medium level dressage, Foxhunter Show Jumping and Intermediate Eventing as a minimum. Senior Coaches can help to put together long term coaching plans, advise on progression within equine careers and competition and are ambassadors for the sport overall.
The UKCC represents the UK Coaching Certificate. These coaching certificates are available in a wide range of sports throughout the UK and are governed by Sports Coach UK - a partner of Sport England. The levels start at 1 and work up to level 4.
I am currently working towards the Riding and Senior Coaching element of the BHSI qualification. Then I will work on the SM part of the BHSI.
Yannick Court BHSII